10700 Medlock Bridge Rd. #204, Johns Creek GA, 30097 

Tel: 770-764-0840

Oral Pathology / Infections

Oral Surgeon Johns Creek, GA


Here at Creekside Oral Surgery, we are highly trained and experienced in the management of various types of Oral Pathology and Oral/facial infections.  Oral Pathology and infections may present with varying degrees of complexity, our goal is to provide early diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment to minimize long term complications and discomfort. 

The inside of the mouth is normally lined with a special type of tissue (mucosa) that is smooth and pink in color. Any alteration in this appearance could be a warning sign for a pathological process. The most serious of these is oral cancer. The following can be signs of the beginning of a pathologic process:

  •  Reddish patches (erythroplakia) or whitish patches (leukoplakia) in the mouth.
  •  A none healing sore (two weeks or longer) that bleeds easily.
  •  A lump or thickening on the mucosa lining the inside of the mouth.
  • Chronic sore throat or hoarseness. Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.

These changes can be detected on the lips, cheeks, palate, and gum tissue around the teeth, tongue, face and/or neck. Note: Pain does not always occur with pathology. 

Some changes may not be visible to the naked eye and only identified radiographically on an Xray or CT scan, this is typical usually of pathology involving bone of the jaws or face.

If pathology is associated with bone of the jaws or face, we typically perform a biopsy to arrive at a diagnosis which will further guide our treatment.

The following can be signs of a dental abscess/infection:

  • Bump on the gum adjacent to a tooth.
  • Severe pain or purulent (puss) discharge from the gums.
  • Swelling or tenderness of the face, neck or oral cavity.
  • Swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy).
  • Difficulty opening the mouth, swallowing or phonating (making sounds).

Dental infections usually occur because of a necrotic tooth, gum disease or after dental surgery, either way dental infections should be treated seriously. Most oral and maxillofacial infections begin with a toothache then progress to a bump on the gum followed by severe pain and swelling of surrounding soft tissues of the oral cavity, face or neck. 

Antibiotics alone may not be sufficient to treat all dental/oral infections, most likely surgical removal of the offending teeth or incision and drainage may be required. Surgical incision and drainage is usually performed by making an incision inside the mouth but incision through the skin of the face or neck may be necessary in more serious infections.

Many dental/oral abscesses can easily and effectively be managed in the office setting , but on occasions some dental/oral infections must be managed in a hospital setting in the operating room after which a few days or more of hospital stay may be required.

Contact our office to discuss your specific situation.

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